Divorce Mediation
What Is Divorce Mediation?
Divorce mediation is a dispute resolution option available to married couples who are in need of assistance addressing and resolving their dissolution of marriage issues, such as dividing assets and debts (equitable distribution) and alimony. Divorce can be stressful, but we can help by assisting couples in resolving their issues and drafting a Marital Settlement Agreement. In many cases, the dissolution of the marriage can be finalized without the need for the parties to hire attorneys or go to court, and we can help through the entire process, including with the court divorce papers to be filed.
Divorce mediation will also address minor children of married couples. We can draw on our knowledge and experience to assist couples in preparing a Parenting Plan, timesharing schedule and child support. Mediation allows parents to determine the best future for their children in a safe and confidential setting.
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We Work With Individuals, Couples, & Families

Divorce Mediation
Divorce mediation is a dispute resolution option where married couples can handle their divorce without court or attorneys*.
This includes dividing assets and debts, and resolving child custody and child support issues.

Child Timesharing / Custody Mediation
Meditation is an option for parents that are not married who need to figure out a Parenting Plan, timesharing schedule and child support in a paternity case. Mediation allows parents to determine the best future for their children in a safe and confidential setting without court or attorneys*.

Child Support Mediation
As part of your paternity or divorce mediation resolving child timesharing and parental responsibility, we will address expenses related to the children and run child support guidelines while taking factors such as daycare & child health care costs, and applicable tax treatment into consideration.
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